• 發貨說明 - 所有應募者 Shipping Instructions - All Entrants
    • 所有透過本活動訂購的專輯將於活動結束後開始發貨。
      • Albums purchased through this event will be shipped in bulk after the event ends.
    • 根據專輯的準備期,發貨期可能需要10日或更多工作日。(週末及假日除外)
      • Depending on the perks and album availability, it may take 10 or more weekdays (excluding weekends/holidays) for delivery
    • 所有訂單將從5月20日 (週一) 開始以訂購日為準依次發送。影像訊息將於發送日為基準的15日內發送至電子郵件信箱。
      • All orders will be shipped sequentially from May 20th (MON) based on order dates. The video message will be sent to the e-mail address within 15 business days from the date of shipping.
  • 得獎者將於5月8日下午6點後透過應募時提供的電子郵件信箱得到通知。
    • Winners will be notified individually after 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8th, via the contact information entered at the time of application and the orderer's e-mail.
  • 活動得獎者 Event Winners
    • 得獎者是由隨機抽籤選出的。我們將不會對任何因為抽中而提出的抗議或詢問做出回應。
      • The winners were selected by computerized lottery, and we will not respond to complaints or inquiries regarding non-winners.


     ■ A 影像訊息 Video Message 영상 메시지



  • 박우진 PARK WOO JIN

  • 이대휘 LEE DAE HWI    


     ■ B 簽名拍立得 Sign Polaroid 사인 폴라로이드



  • 박우진 PARK WOO JIN

  • 이대휘 LEE DAE HWI

  • 是AB6IX 1名成員的影像訊息,並且只能用韓語拍攝。
    It's a video message of one AB6IX member, and will be shot in Korean Only.
  • 訊息內容只能在提交應募表單時指定的類別中選擇,應募結束後不能修改。
    The message content can only be selected from the categories set when submitting the Google form and cannot be modified after the application is completed.
  • 影像訊息將發送到應募時提供的電子郵件地址。請務必填寫正確的電子郵件地址。影像訊息無法重發。
    The video message will be sent to the email address you provided at the time of application.
    Please make sure to use the correct email address. Video message cannot be retransmitted.
  • 影像訊息和簽名拍立得可以重複中獎。
    You can win both the Video Message and Signed Polaroid at the same time.
  • 中獎時,簽名拍立得將與專輯一同發送。
    If you win, the signed Polaroid will be delivered with the album.
  • 所有訂單將從5月20日(週一)開始以訂購日為準依次發送。
    All orders will be shipped sequentially from May 20th (MON) based on order dates.
  • 影像訊息將於發送日為基準的15個工作天內發送至電子郵件信箱。
    The video message will be sent to the e-mail address within 15 business days from the date of shipping.


  • 應募者須知及其他信息 Notes to Entrants and Other Guidance

1. 在活動預購期間爲抽獎而購買的產品,在活動預購期間結束後不得取消,也不得退款。 (在截止日期前,將接受取消訂購,但不將失去抽獎資格。 如果在活動預購期間結束前未收到付款,即使符合網站默認的定金截止日期,該訂單及抽獎資格也將自動取消。) 

Products purchased for the purpose of entry within the event entry period are non-cancelable and non-refundable after the end of the entry period. (Cancellations are accepted up to the entry deadline, but will not be eligible for entry.) If payment is not received by the end of the sale, even if the site default deposit deadline is met, the product will be automatically canceled.

2.  本活動允許重複購買及代理購買,但絕對禁止代理參與活動,只有得獎者才能參加。(我們不對代理參與活動和人與人之間的交易產生的任何問題負責)。

Duplicate and proxy entries are allowed, but participation in the event is absolutely prohibited and only the winner can participate. (We are not responsible for any problems arising from proxy entries and person-to-person transactions.)

3. 得獎者公佈後,我們將不接受通過客服中心對姓名和聯繫資訊做任何修改。
- 請務必在提交表單前確認您的姓名和聯繫資訊。(如為外國人士,請輸入正確的聯絡電話,以及需提供可以接收簡訊的聯絡方式)。

After the winner is announced, we will not accept any changes to the name and contact information through the customer service. Please be sure to confirm your name and contact information before entering. (If you are a foreigner, please enter an accurate contact number that can be contacted via SMS text).

4. 在參與抽獎活動時,爲了檢查重複中獎,將收集和提供以下個人訊息。
- 收集的項目:購買資料、姓名、聯繫資訊、出生日期。
- 收集目的:確認 AB6IX - [THE FUTURE IS OURS:FOUND] 專屬珍藏活動的得獎者,並進行活動。
- 保留和利用個人資訊的期限 : 活動結束後7天內消除完畢。

When applying for the event, personal information is collected and provided as follows to check for duplicate wins and to conduct the event.

  • Collected information: Order Information , Name, contact information, date of birth
  • Purpose of collection: To confirm the winner of the fan signing event commemorating the release of AB6IX - [THE FUTURE IS OURS:FOUND] album and to conduct the event.
  • Recipients of personal information: BRANDNEW MUSIC, V-Eight Corp.
  • Period of retention and utilization of personal information: Disposal within 7 days after the end of the event.

5. 本活動可能會因主辦方的情況而改變和取消,恕不另行通知。

This event is subject to change and cancellation without prior notice due to the circumstances of the organizer.

6. 爲保證活動的順利進行請廣大粉絲配合,除此之外如果認爲對活動有過度的影響,工作人員可能會對活動進行限制。

We ask for the cooperation of fans to ensure the smooth running of the event, and in addition to the above, if it is deemed to be excessively disruptive to the event, the staff may restrict it.

7. 活動商品及特典不可退換(活動預購期間後取消和退換),購買前請確認內容,如不同意還請諒解。 

Event prizes are non-returnable (canceled or refunded after the application deadline). Please check the contents before purchasing, and if you do not agree, please understand that you will not be able to participate in the event.

8. 未成年顧客必須在其法定代表人同意下購買商品。

Minor customers must purchase products with the consent of a legal representative.
